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Four Scottish Folksong Preludes (Barnes ed.)

(British Isles Heritage)
Composer Notes... The Preludes date from the composer’s days in Aberdeen, and were completed in 1958. They were edited for publication by Ronald Barnes.

Jock O'Hazeldean, is a Border Balad by Sir Walter Scott 1771-1823. A bride-to-be elopes with her lover Jock o’ Hazeldean, leaving her rich bridegroom standing at the altar.

John Anderson, My Jo, John, is a beautiful song of perpetual love from Scotland’s greatest poet, Robert Burns 1759-1796.

O Gin I Were Where Gadie Rins, Is a song of exile from Aberdeenshire. The “Gadie” is a tributary of the River Don, so the title translates “I wish I was where the Gadie runs”

The Laird O'Drum Drum is a castle ten miles from the centre of Aberdeen city. Now looked after by the National Trust for Scotland, it is still the seat of the clan Irvine whose head is David Irvine 26th Baron of Drum and chief of the Name. This is a lesser known version of the melody chosen by the composer and played on Aberdeen’s carillon in the documentary film called “The Silver City” by Anglo-Scottish films c.1957, which pictures Aberdeen and its surrounding countryside.

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