2017 Scores

American Carillon Music Editions

The 2017 American Carillon Music Editions new collection is now ready for purchase.

Click here to purchase the 2017 collection .


We are very excited to offer some small collections of music arranged by Mary Jo Disler. Bach “ad hoc” is a collection of three pieces by J.S. Bach, Sarabande and Bourrée from his Cello Suite No.3, and Prelude BWV 855a from the Clavierbüchlein for Wilhelm Friedemann Bach. Guitar Miniatures includes some shorter pieces by Manuel Ponce (Estrellita) and Francisco Tárrega (Prelude Número 2, Preludio No. 5, and Rosita). Sevilla from Suite Espagnole, Op. 47, by Isaac Albéniz is an absolute “barn burner”. Mary Jo, a guitarist, collaborates with Dennis Curry, a carillonneur, to create carillon arrangements which are true to the original flavor of the guitar music. As with her spiral bound collection published last year, Mary Jo has provided her own commentary on several of the pieces, presented from the guitarist’s perspective.

Strike Up the Band!

Carlo van Ulft has created two collections of John Philip Sousa marches, Festive Marches for Carillon, and Festive Marches for Carillon vol II. Between the two volumes, you can energize your audiences with The Washington Post, The Stars and Stripes Forever, The Thunderer, and The Liberty Bell March. Do you realize that The Liberty Bell March was played at 5 of the last 7 U. S. Presidential inaugurations by the United States Marine Corps Band?

Sacred Music

John Knox’s Partita on ”The Queen of Chorales” is based on “Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern” also known as How brightly beams the morning star. John wrote it to commemorate Richard Gegner on his 50th Anniversary at the Mariemont carillon in 2017. (John claims that this piece will be his last – I hope not).

The hymn tune Beach Spring was used for inspiration by Pete Olejar for his latest carillon creation. This early American hymn tune first appeared in print in the 1844 edition of the Sacred Harp, a book of tunes that has helped promote the style of unaccompanied singing known as "Sacred Harp," or "shape-note" singing.

Let’s Walk on the Wild Side

To provide smiles (and cuteness) to your concert, consider adding Carlo van Ulft’s arrangement of Baby Elephant Walk by Henry Mancini. It was written for the 1962 released movie “Hatari!” for a scene where three baby elephants are led to a pool to bathe.

Shall We Dance?

Some arrangements sure to be known among most audiences include Scott Joplin’s, Sunflower Slow Drag and Pavane by Gabriel Fauré, both arranged by Wesley Arai. Even though the title of the rag sounds like a “sleeper”, this rag has been described as “full of gaiety and sunshine”.

Richard Giszczak has created a medley of old New England tunes, Fishers’ Hornpipe, Kinloch, and Hull’s Victory in his newest Three New England Country Dances. It is sure to get your audience members joining in the dance.

Some Simply Beautiful Tunes

Tiffany Ng arranged Felix Mendelssohn’s Venetianisches Gondellied (Venetian Boat Song) from his collection Songs Without Words Op. 30.

The last two pieces in our 2017 collection were arranged by Scott Hummel. Evening in the Meadow is an impressionistic piece by Vladimir Rebikov, a Russian composer, originally written for piano. Lastly, Scott has created a duet version of Ständchen by Franz Schubert, a well-known melody by many concert-goers.


Sue Bergren - Music Editor
Mark Bergren - Publications Editor

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